I am very happy becuse I recived the Body fat meter.
The farce are ended finally but there had a unpleasant episode.
I am very happy becuse I recived the Body fat meter.
The farce are ended finally but there had a unpleasant episode.
The olympic was end at last night. The closing ceremony was boring,almost time singers sang songs.
Next time the olypic game will held in 巴西 at 2016.
Before two year ago I met a man who is Credit card salesman and he talked me that if I applied his credit cards,he will give me a Body fat meter end of the month.I trusted him but he let me down,disappering since the month and I didnt recieve a body fat meter. I called his phone that was wrong number and someone saied he was quit his job.So I gave up to find him.
But half year ago,I met cross him in my working place.At fist he denied the thing but I had evidence and he wanted to sale his credit card to my co-works.He had adgreed to give me a body fat meter and I took 1000 dollar as a deposit from him.Two months pass,I quited my job,but he didnt carry out. I called he who said that he will bring it to my home.Finally he did it,but it was not my specified one, he brought a oldly type.I asked to change new one and he said "Dont worry,I will send a body fat meter few day and you can keep the oldly type as a deposit.When you recieve new one and you send the oldly one back.
It's so easy 就是這麼簡單
It's so right (bartender) 就是這麼正確(調酒師)
Today is a holiday of typhoon,almost all countries did not go to school and work. The typhoon name was 蘇拉 who strengh was a middle rank and brought wild wind and it moved slowly.
In the afternoon it path out of Taiwan,so south countries were almost become a good day. I think all countries need to go back for school or work tomorrow.
Recenly ,I rented a movie "Auatralia" for listening the Australian twang and practicing English.I think that will do for good for working holiday.
When I saw abstract of the flim,I felt it boring and when I saw the actress"Nicole Kidman" and the actor "Hugh Jackman".I decided take it home.
The Olympic Game in this year is held in London and totally have 205 contyies participate in the open ceremory.The day begans from 7.27 to 8.12.I look forward to see the open show. In the begaining,it tell about Englishman's farming life to industray,this performance is make me feel boring.The come next shows are more better.In the end ,the torch light up by many tubes,that is so special. Someone think that torch is likeThe gas.Do you think??
I gat up at 5:00 in the morning and I couldn't get to sleep,so I decided go to the temple to learn Taiji.
The class begain time at 5:30 and ended time at 7:00,Monday to Satuday,and only pay 300 dollars one month.
Today,I begain to write my diary in English. I wish I can keep it for a long time.
In the morning,I watched a vedio,the show called"Cast away"
今天在南投戲院看了翻滾吧阿信 塞德克巴萊 藍色小精靈
南投戲院小小一間,有三廳,地板是沒有裝潢的水泥地,放電影的布簾也很粗糙可以看到雜質,A廳的座位比較高級, 但沒有放冷氣悶悶的,B廳的場地比較大,但座位是一般皮椅,C廳沒去參觀,每一廳的電影兩側都有廁所 ,這是優點也是缺點阿,要上廁所很方便,但看電影時常有人會起來上側所,廁所還算滿乾淨的,女廁只有三間,但南投戲院最讚的地方是票價只有180元,卻可以一次看六部片!!肚子餓了,戲院內也有在賣爆米花或餅乾飲料類的小點心,價錢就一般價位,如果不想吃戲院內,要外出只要請驗票員在手臂蓋張即可,便可不限次數進出,綜合上述的優缺點,南投戲院真是個好地方、划算方便~~而且可以購買團體票一張才100元,下次還要來看!!