Recenly ,I rented a movie "Auatralia" for listening the Australian twang and practicing English.I think that will do for good for working holiday.
When I saw abstract of the flim,I felt it boring and when I saw the actress"Nicole Kidman" and the actor "Hugh Jackman".I decided take it home.
After seeing the movie,it is so fantastic,I originaly thought it would be a boring flim about the war.
It was so interested about the main actor and actress's interactions and conversations,which plot was profoundly.
The filming spots were in 達爾文and you can see the beautiful veiws.
The historical context was happened in 1983 and you can roughly understand about the Australian histories.
It also described the Australian lifes and you can learn about they usually used words,like"copper" "fwllow"
The movie is worth to see.
看背後的劇情介紹,感覺很無聊,但看到演員是"妮可基嫚"跟 "休傑克曼"這種大咖,
描述一般澳洲人的生活~可以了解他們生活型態與常用字詞,像是警察"copper" 朋友"fellow"等