目前分類:我愛碎碎念 (12)

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[英] [əˈkædəmi]


mascottofu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My aunt wanted me to cook for her family because her son will go home. 

Frist I made pesto sauce at home.I cooked a Seafood pesto pasta at aunt house.

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  • Aug 10 Fri 2012 23:29
  • 繳錢

1.Today is Friday,I dont still recivevd the Body fat meter from Mt. lier 黃,so I am going to call a phone to his ministry to complain.

2.I got my credit card bill and I need to pay 8693 about the ticket of plane.

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Today is Father's day.I suggested to go outside for lunch and I treat.

We discussied what to eat.

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Father's day will coming.I have no ideal how to celebreat.

I want to buy a cake,but cake is not health.

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I am a night owls also a early bird, because I went to bed late about 3:00 ,  got up early about 7.00.

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I become a caregiver because  my cugina asked me to take care her sick daughter  two hours in the morning.And I said"yes". Someone has a problem and I am alway willing to help people.

My work was that I need to stay with my niece and remember the doctor's words.

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大家對我來說都只是同學朋友  並沒有所謂的好朋友 我講不出來 也不知道是誰 

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自2011.11月,大小聚餐不斷、兩次喜宴、一次尾牙、一次夜市大宵夜、一次小宵夜、一次科內聚餐、5次簡餐店,回屏東老家也是不斷的吃吃吃,接下來還有過年,我的天ㄚ!!新聞報導說過年平均會增胖1.4公斤最多到5公斤,難道我會突破60= =

目前體重與去年比足足重了有四公斤之多,且都在這一兩個月胖起來的,現在胃口被養大了,好難減阿~看到同事為了快過年想要美美的,吃的都好少,兩顆茶葉蛋不吃蛋黃這樣就解決了午餐,晚餐選擇不吃,一想到這,我應該會死掉=  =,嘴饞是粉痛苦的ㄚ!!目前想到的對策就是多運動、盡量不吃點心,不吃第二份主餐,罪過~

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最近發現自己的記憶 越來越差

常轉個身 便忘記自己要幹麻

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