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[英] [əˈkædəmi]


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I am very happy becuse I recived the  Body fat meter.

The farce are ended finally but there had a unpleasant episode. 

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[英] [ədˈvə:tismənt]

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[英] [əˈfɛə]

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[英] [əˈsailəm]

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The olympic was end at last night. The closing ceremony was boring,almost time singers sang songs.

Next time the olypic game will held in 巴西 at  2016.

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Today my parents went to work so no one cooked luch except me.

So I decided cook luch.

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My aunt wanted me to cook for her family because her son will go home. 

Frist I made pesto sauce at home.I cooked a Seafood pesto pasta at aunt house.

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  • Aug 10 Fri 2012 23:29
  • 繳錢

1.Today is Friday,I dont still recivevd the Body fat meter from Mt. lier 黃,so I am going to call a phone to his ministry to complain.

2.I got my credit card bill and I need to pay 8693 about the ticket of plane.

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My mom brought a battle of  garlic vinegar for a long time,only my mon drunk it in the beginning and every time drunking later , doind No.1 job several times After that she never drunk againe.  

I tried some yesterday,after a while ,I had a pain in my bowels and  then I had 4 times No.1 job. It was pretty magic for me because I am a  constipation of  physique.

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